Movies like Big Stan to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Big Stan with David Carradine, Jennifer Morrison, Rob Schneider & Scott Wilson & created by Rob Schneider?

Movies like Big Stan with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Big Stan?

A weak con man panics when he learns he's going to prison for fraud. He hires a mysterious martial arts guru who helps transform him into a martial arts expert who can fight off inmates who want to hurt or love him.

TAGLINE: "He'll have to kick some butt to save his own."

Its release date is Wednesday June 6, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anti Hero, Cons And Scams, Corruption, Fraud, Gang, Martial arts, Prison & Slapstick
Genre Comedy
Country The United States
Director Rob Schneider
Starring David Carradine, Jennifer Morrison, Rob Schneider & Scott Wilson
Location California
Written by Josh Lieb
Cinematography Victor Hammer (cinematographer)
Music John Debney
Runtime 105 min