Movies like Bigfoot Wars to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Science Fiction movie Bigfoot Wars with Billy Blair, C. Thomas Howell, David Sullivan & Judd Nelson & created by Brian T. Jaynes?
Movies like Bigfoot Wars with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bigfoot Wars?
A small town becomes the focal point of a brutal clash between man and a legendary beast.
Its release date is Monday March 10, 2014
Its release date is Monday March 10, 2014
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Bigfoot |
Genre | Science Fiction |
Director | Brian T. Jaynes |
Starring | Billy Blair, C. Thomas Howell, David Sullivan & Judd Nelson |
Written by | Andrea Doss, Frederic Doss & Jacob Mauldin |
Cinematography | Alex Yellen |
Music | Chris Ridenhour |
Runtime | 75 min |
Other Science Fiction movies by Brian T. Jaynes
Humans vs Zombies | Nov 11th, 2011
3.9/10 | By Brian T. Jaynes
United States of America | Comedy, Horror & Science Fiction