Movies like Bigfoot Wars to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Science Fiction movie Bigfoot Wars with Billy Blair, C. Thomas Howell, David Sullivan & Judd Nelson & created by Brian T. Jaynes?

Movies like Bigfoot Wars with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bigfoot Wars?

A small town becomes the focal point of a brutal clash between man and a legendary beast.
Its release date is Monday March 10, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bigfoot
Genre Science Fiction
Director Brian T. Jaynes
Starring Billy Blair, C. Thomas Howell, David Sullivan & Judd Nelson
Written by Andrea Doss, Frederic Doss & Jacob Mauldin
Cinematography Alex Yellen
Music Chris Ridenhour
Runtime 75 min

Other Science Fiction movies by Brian T. Jaynes

Humans vs Zombies | Nov 11th, 2011

Humans vs Zombies
3.9/10 | By Brian T. Jaynes
United States of America | Comedy, Horror & Science Fiction
Amazon Prime Video