Movies like Blackbird to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Blackbird with Isaiah Washington, Julian Walker, Kevin Allesee & Mo'Nique & created by Patrik-Ian Polk?

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A young singer struggles with his sexuality and the treatment of others while coming of age in a small Southern Baptist community.

TAGLINE: "Will you choose to be what you had no choice in being..."

Its release date is Sunday February 16, 2014

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Topic Black Lgbt, Gay Director, Sexuality & Singer
Genre Drama
Country The United States
Director Patrik-Ian Polk
Starring Isaiah Washington, Julian Walker, Kevin Allesee & Mo'Nique
Written by Larry Duplechan (novel), Patrik-Ian Polk & Rikki Beadle Blair
Cinematography Eun ah Lee
Music Adam Samuel Goldman
Runtime 99 min