Movies like Bloodsport to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action movie Bloodsport with Bolo Yeung, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Philip Chan Yan-Kin & Roy Chiao & created by Newt Arnold?

Movies like Bloodsport with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bloodsport?

Follows Frank Dux, an American martial artist serving in the military, who decides to leave the army to compete in a martial arts tournament in Hong Kong where fights to the death can occur.

TAGLINE: "The true story of an American ninja."

Its release date is Friday February 26, 1988

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Biography, Hong Kong, Martial arts, Mixed Martial Arts, Sensei, Sport & Sports Fiction
Genre Action
Country United States of America
Director Newt Arnold
Starring Bolo Yeung, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Philip Chan Yan-Kin & Roy Chiao
Place Hong Kong
Time 1979, 1980 & 1981
Location Hong Kong
Written by Christopher Cosby (screenplay), Mel Friedman (screenplay), Sheldon Lettich (screenplay) & Sheldon Lettich (story)
Runtime 92 min