Movies like Bobbleheads The Movie to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Animation & Comedy movie Bobbleheads The Movie with Brenda Song, Jennifer Coolidge, Khary Payton & Luke Wilson & created by Kirk Wise?

Movies like Bobbleheads The Movie with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bobbleheads The Movie?

When the toys' humans go "AWOL," they must defend their home from unexpected guests, two uninvited intruders who hope to swap a new baseball player bobblehead for a valuable one.

TAGLINE: "Big heads, bigger attitudes!"

Its release date is Tuesday December 8, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Adventure, Animation & Comedy
Country United States of America
Director Kirk Wise
Starring Brenda Song, Jennifer Coolidge, Khary Payton & Luke Wilson
Written by Karl Geurs (screenplay by) & Tab Murphy (story by)
Runtime 82 min

Other Adventure movies by Kirk Wise

Atlantis: The Lost Empire
6.8/10 | By Gary Trousdale, Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise & Kirk Wise
The United States | Adventure, Animation & Family
Netflix Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Spirited away | Jul 20th, 2001

Spirited away
8.6/10 | By Hayao Miyazaki, Hayao Miyazaki, Kirk Wise & Kirk Wise
Japan | Adventure, Animation, Family & Fantasy
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes

Other Adventure movies written by Karl Geurs (screenplay by)

The Jungle Book 2 | Feb 7th, 2003

The Jungle Book 2
5.4/10 | By Steve Trenbirth
Australia & The United States | Adventure, Animation & Family
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