Movies like Capital C to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Capital C with & created by Jørg M. Kundinger & Timon Birkhofer?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Capital C?

CAPITAL C is the first documentary about crowdfunding. It follows the hopes and dreams as well as the fears and pitfalls of a whole new generation of independent creators, who reach out to the crowd in order to change their lives forever.

TAGLINE: "Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing, Bottle Koozies."

Its release date is Thursday September 24, 2015

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Topic Documentary Business
Genre Documentary
Director Jørg M. Kundinger & Timon Birkhofer
Written by Jørg M. Kundinger & Timon Birkhofer
Runtime 87 min