Movies like Caroline at Midnight to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Romance & Thriller movie Caroline at Midnight with Clayton Rohner, Mia Sara, Paul Le Mat & Tim Daly & created by Scott McGinnis?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Caroline at Midnight?

Victoria is a dealer in the most dangerous game. Playing conveniently into her hand is her husband and his partner, two of the dirtiest cops on the force. Gunning for her is a seductive ...

TAGLINE: "Passions collide when we meet..."

Its release date is Wednesday January 26, 1994

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Topic Cop, Corruption, Husband, Independent Film, Infidelity, Murder, Nudity, Secret & Seduction
Genre Romance & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Scott McGinnis
Starring Clayton Rohner, Mia Sara, Paul Le Mat & Tim Daly
Written by Travis Rink
Music Mark Snow
Runtime 88 min