Movies like Cheap Smokes to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Cheap Smokes with Alkis Panagiotidis, Mihalis Iatropoulos, Renos Haralambidis & Vana Pefani & created by Renos Haralambidis?

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As the lights flicker on a warm August night, amidst vacant Athens' stillness, a modern bohemian flirts with a woman he just met at a phone booth, while strolling around the city's quiet night streets.
Its release date is Friday January 5, 2001

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Genre Comedy & Romance
Country Greece
Director Renos Haralambidis
Starring Alkis Panagiotidis, Mihalis Iatropoulos, Renos Haralambidis & Vana Pefani
Written by George Bakolas (supervising writer) & Renos Haralambidis
Runtime 85 min