Movies like Cherry 2000 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Science Fiction movie Cherry 2000 with Ben Johnson, David Andrews, Melanie Griffith & Pamela Gidley & created by Steve De Jarnatt?

Movies like Cherry 2000 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Cherry 2000?

In 2017, a successful businessman travels to the ends of the earth to find that the perfect woman is always under his nose. He hires a sexy renegade tracker to find an exact duplicate of his android wife.

TAGLINE: "Need A Bounty Hunter? She's Your Man."

Its release date is Thursday November 12, 1987

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Android, Dystopia, Post-apocalyptic, Robot, Tracker & Wilderness
Genre Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Steve De Jarnatt
Starring Ben Johnson, David Andrews, Melanie Griffith & Pamela Gidley
Place Future
Time 2017
Location California, Las Vegas Valley, Los Angeles & Nevada
Written by Lloyd Fonvielle (story) & Michael Almereyda (screenplay)
Runtime 99 min

Other Science Fiction movies by Steve De Jarnatt

Miracle Mile | May 19th, 1988

Miracle Mile
7.0/10 | By Steve De Jarnatt
United States of America | Romance, Science Fiction & Thriller
Amazon Video iTunes