Movies like Choked to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Thriller movie Choked with Amruta Subhash, Rajshri Deshpande, Roshan Mathew & Saiyami Kher & created by Anurag Kashyap?
Movies like Choked with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Choked?
A bank employee weighed down by her jobless husband's debts - and her own broken dreams - finds a secret source of seemingly unlimited cash in her home.
Its release date is Friday June 5, 2020
Its release date is Friday June 5, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Crime, Drama & Thriller |
Country | India |
Director | Anurag Kashyap |
Starring | Amruta Subhash, Rajshri Deshpande, Roshan Mathew & Saiyami Kher |
Time | 2016 |
Written by | Nihit Bhave |
Runtime | 114 min |
Other Crime movies by Anurag Kashyap
Bombay Velvet | May 15th, 2015
5.7/10 | By Anurag Kashyap
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No streaming sources available just yet
That Girl in Yellow Boots | Sep 13th, 2010
6.7/10 | By Anurag Kashyap
India | Crime, Drama & Mystery