Movies like Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer with Eliot Spitzer & created by Alex Gibney?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer?

An in-depth look at the rise and fall of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, including interviews with the scandalized, former politician.

TAGLINE: "Money. Sex. Power. Betrayal."

Its release date is Friday November 5, 2010

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Topic Documentary American Politicians & Duringcreditsstinger
Genre Documentary
Director Alex Gibney
Starring Eliot Spitzer
Written by Alex Gibney
Cinematography Maryse Alberti
Music Peter Nashel
Runtime 117 min

Other Documentary movies by Alex Gibney

Freakonomics | Oct 1st, 2010

6.4/10 | By Alex Gibney, Heidi Ewing & Seth Gordon
United States of America | Documentary
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Tubi TV

Other Documentary movies written by Alex Gibney

Freakonomics | Oct 1st, 2010

6.4/10 | By Alex Gibney, Heidi Ewing & Seth Gordon
United States of America | Documentary
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Tubi TV

Zero Days | Jul 8th, 2016

Zero Days
7.8/10 | By Alex Gibney
United States of America | Documentary
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime