Movies like Combat Shock to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Horror & Thriller movie Combat Shock with Asaph Livni, Mitch Maglio, Rick Giovinazzo & Veronica Stork & created by Buddy Giovinazzo?

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A dangerously disturbed Vietnam veteran struggles with life 15 years after his return home, and slowly falls into insanity from his gritty urban lifestyle.

TAGLINE: "Fighting, killing, maiming. Agent Orange and the torture cages were the easy part!..."

Its release date is Wednesday May 14, 1986

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Topic Agent Orange, Anti War Vietnam War, Drugs, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Urban Decay, Veteran, Vietnam & Violence
Genre Drama, Horror & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Buddy Giovinazzo
Starring Asaph Livni, Mitch Maglio, Rick Giovinazzo & Veronica Stork
Place Staten Island
Written by Buddy Giovinazzo
Cinematography Stella Varveris
Music Ricky Giovinazzo
Runtime 91 min