Movies like Coriolanus to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie Coriolanus with Ashraf Barhom, Gerard Butler, Lubna Azabal & Ralph Fiennes & created by Ralph Fiennes?

Movies like Coriolanus with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Coriolanus?

A banished hero of Rome allies with a sworn enemy to take his revenge on the city.

TAGLINE: "Nature teaches beasts to know their friends."

Its release date is Monday February 14, 2011

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic General, Market, Rivalry, Scar, Senate, Stabbing, Tears & Tragedy
Genre Drama & Thriller
Country Italy
Director Ralph Fiennes
Starring Ashraf Barhom, Gerard Butler, Lubna Azabal & Ralph Fiennes
Place Rome
Location Serbia
Written by John Logan (screenplay) & William Shakespeare (play)
Cinematography Barry Ackroyd
Music Ilan Eshkeri
Runtime 123 min

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Other Drama movies written by John Logan (screenplay)

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The Last Samurai | Dec 5th, 2003

The Last Samurai
7.7/10 | By Edward Zwick
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