Movies like Dead Within to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Horror & Thriller movie Dead Within with Dean Chekvala, J. Claude Deering, Rick Federman & Sarah McMaster & created by Ben Wagner?

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Six months after the outbreak, a man and woman have survived by isolating themselves in a remote cabin. Starved for resources, they must confront the horrors that threaten them from outside and from within.

TAGLINE: "Fear is Contagious"

Its release date is Saturday August 23, 2014

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cabin, Christianity, Delusion, Evangelicalism, Infection, Isolation, Outbreak, Religion & Zombie
Genre Drama, Horror & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director Ben Wagner
Starring Dean Chekvala, J. Claude Deering, Rick Federman & Sarah McMaster
Location Houston, Los Angeles, Louisiana & Texas
Written by Amy Cale Peterson, Ben Wagner, Dean Chekvala & Matthew Bradford
Runtime 91 min