Movies like Detroit to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Thriller movie Detroit with Anthony Mackie, John Boyega, John Krasinski & Will Poulter & created by Kathryn Bigelow?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Detroit?

Fact-based drama set during the 1967 Detroit riots in which a group of rogue police officers respond to a complaint with retribution rather than justice on their minds.

TAGLINE: "It's time we knew"

Its release date is Friday July 28, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Beating, Church, Church Choir, Detroit, Fire, Murder, Police Brutality, Race Ethnicity & Racism
Genre Crime, Drama & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Kathryn Bigelow
Starring Anthony Mackie, John Boyega, John Krasinski & Will Poulter
Place Detroit
Time 1967 & 1969
Location Massachusetts
Written by Mark Boal
Cinematography Barry Ackroyd
Music James Newton Howard
Runtime 143 min

Other Crime movies by Kathryn Bigelow

Strange Days | Oct 13th, 1995

Strange Days
7.2/10 | By Kathryn Bigelow
The United States | Crime, Drama & Science Fiction

Point Break | Jul 12th, 1991

Point Break
7.2/10 | By Kathryn Bigelow
United States of America | Action, Crime & Thriller
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