Movies like DieRy to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Thriller movie DieRy with Ciarán Byrne & Claudia Maree Mailer?

Movies like DieRy with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of DieRy?

Instagram model Marie Clark is getting her masters in comparative religion and moving on from an abusive past with the help of her psychiatrist, Dr. Brighton. It seems Marie's life is finally on the right trajectory until her diary is stolen and an obsessive fan begins sending her love letters informing Marie that they are killing anyone who they see as a danger to her. As friends begin to feel like suspects, and bodies start piling up, terrifying as it is, Marie must confront the demons of her past in order to unmask the killer and reclaim her life.

TAGLINE: "Nobody is who they say they are"

Its release date is Tuesday August 25, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Road Accidents Incidents & Sacrifices Fiction
Genre Thriller
Starring Ciarán Byrne & Claudia Maree Mailer
Time 2016
Location Vancouver