Movies like Doc Hollywood to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Doc Hollywood with Barnard Hughes, Julie Warner, Michael J. Fox & Woody Harrelson & created by Michael Caton-Jones?

Movies like Doc Hollywood with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Doc Hollywood?

A young doctor causes a traffic accident in a small town and is sentenced to work for some days at the town hospital.

TAGLINE: "He was headed to Beverly Hills to be a plastic surgeon... but he took an exit to a town that didn't take plastic."

Its release date is Friday August 2, 1991

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Ambulance, Doctor, Hospital, New Love & Plastic Surgery
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Michael Caton-Jones
Starring Barnard Hughes, Julie Warner, Michael J. Fox & Woody Harrelson
Place D.C., Los Angeles, South Carolina & Washington
Location Florida, Los Angeles & Virginia
Written by Daniel Pyne (screenplay), Jeffrey Price (screenplay), Laurian Leggett (adaptation), Neil B. Shulman (book) & Peter S. Seaman (screenplay)
Cinematography Michael Chapman (cinematographer)
Music Carter Burwell
Runtime 104 min

Other Comedy movies by Michael Caton-Jones

Our Ladies | Oct 4th, 2019

Our Ladies
N/A/10 | By Michael Caton-Jones
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Other Comedy movies written by Daniel Pyne (screenplay)

The Hard Way | Mar 8th, 1991

The Hard Way
6.3/10 | By John Badham
The United States | Action, Comedy & Crime
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