Movies like Dov’è la libertà…? to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Dov’è la libertà…? with Franca Faldini, Nyta Dover, Totò & Vera Molnar & created by Roberto Rossellini?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dov’è la libertà…??

A barber, murderer because of jealousy, spends twenty years in jail. He cannot, however adjust himself to a changed world and to the hypocracy of his own relatives and decides to return ...
Its release date is Thursday February 25, 1954

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Genre Comedy & Drama
Country Italy
Director Roberto Rossellini
Starring Franca Faldini, Nyta Dover, Totò & Vera Molnar
Written by Antonio Pietrangeli, Ennio Flaiano, Roberto Rossellini, Vincenzo Talarico & Vitaliano Brancati
Runtime 93 min