Movies like Dracula 2000 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Dracula 2000 with Christopher Plummer, Gerard Butler, Jonny Lee Miller & Justine Waddell & created by Patrick Lussier?

Movies like Dracula 2000 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dracula 2000?

A group of thieves break into a chamber expecting to find paintings, but instead they release the count himself, who travels to New Orleans to find his nemesis' daughter, Mary Van Helsing.

TAGLINE: "The Most Seductive Evil of All Time Has Now Been Unleashed in Ours."

Its release date is Friday December 22, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bite, Blood, Dracula, Portrayals Of Jesus, Religion, Vampire, Vampires & Vlad
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Patrick Lussier
Starring Christopher Plummer, Gerard Butler, Jonny Lee Miller & Justine Waddell
Place London
Time 2000
Location New Orleans & Toronto
Written by Joel Soisson (screenplay), Joel Soisson (story) & Patrick Lussier (story)
Cinematography Peter Pau
Music Marco Beltrami
Runtime 99 min

Other Horror movies by Patrick Lussier

Trick | Oct 18th, 2019

N/A/10 | By Patrick Lussier
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White Noise 2: The Light | Jan 5th, 2007

White Noise 2: The Light
5.7/10 | By Patrick Lussier
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My Bloody Valentine | Jan 16th, 2009

My Bloody Valentine
5.5/10 | By George Mihalka & Patrick Lussier
The United States | Horror & Mystery
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Other Horror movies written by Joel Soisson (screenplay)

Hollow Man II | May 23rd, 2006

Hollow Man II
4.4/10 | By Claudio Fäh
The United States | Action, Horror & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz