Movies like Dracula 3D to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Romance & Thriller movie Dracula 3D with Asia Argento, Marta Gastini, Rutger Hauer & Thomas Kretschmann & created by Dario Argento?

Movies like Dracula 3D with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Dracula 3D?

Asia Argento stars in horror legend Dario Argento's sexy spin on the classic tale about the sharp-toothed count who craves human blood.

TAGLINE: "The Legend Rises"

Its release date is Friday November 9, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Bite Mark, Evil & Gothic Horror
Genre Horror, Romance & Thriller
Country France
Director Dario Argento
Starring Asia Argento, Marta Gastini, Rutger Hauer & Thomas Kretschmann
Location Budapest & Hungary
Written by Antonio Tentori (screenplay), Bram Stoker (book), Dario Argento (screenplay), Enrique Cerezo (screenplay) & Stefano Piani (screenplay)
Runtime 110 min

Other Horror movies by Dario Argento

Suspiria | Feb 1st, 1977

7.5/10 | By Dario Argento
Italy | Horror, Mystery & Thriller
No streaming sources available just yet

Two Evil Eyes | Jan 25th, 1990

Two Evil Eyes
6.1/10 | By Dario Argento & George A. Romero
Italy & The United States | Horror & Thriller
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