Movies like Europa to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie Europa with Barbara Sukowa, Ernst-Hugo Järegård, Jean-Marc Barr & Udo Kier & created by Lars von Trier?

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Just after W.W.II, an American takes a railway job in Germany, but finds his position politically sensitive with various people trying to use him.

TAGLINE: "World War II had finished, but it left indelible marks"

Its release date is Saturday May 11, 1991

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Chess, Drowning, In Love With Enemy, Jew, Munich, Nazis Fiction, Suicide, Terrorist, Train Station & World War Ii
Genre Drama & Thriller
Country Denmark & Spain
Director Lars von Trier
Starring Barbara Sukowa, Ernst-Hugo Järegård, Jean-Marc Barr & Udo Kier
Place Germany
Time 1945 & 1946
Location Denmark & Poland
Written by Lars von Trier & Niels Vørsel
Cinematography Edward Klosinski
Music Joachim Holbek
Runtime 112 min

Other Drama movies by Lars von Trier

Dancer in the Dark | May 17th, 2000

Dancer in the Dark
8.0/10 | By Lars von Trier
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Manderlay | May 16th, 2005

7.4/10 | By Lars von Trier
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Europa Europa | Jun 28th, 1991

Europa Europa
7.7/10 | By Agnieszka Holland & Lars von Trier
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