Movies like Fantastic Fungi to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Fantastic Fungi with Brie Larson, Michael Pollan, Paul Stamets & Roland Griffiths & created by Louie Schwartzberg?

Movies like Fantastic Fungi with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Fantastic Fungi?

Fantastic Fungi is a descriptive time-lapse journey about the magical, mysterious and medicinal world of fungi and their power to heal, sustain and contribute to the regeneration of life on Earth that began 3.5 billion years ago.
Its release date is Friday August 30, 2019

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Genre Documentary
Director Louie Schwartzberg
Starring Brie Larson, Michael Pollan, Paul Stamets & Roland Griffiths
Written by Mark Monroe
Runtime 81 min

Other Documentary movies written by Mark Monroe

Icarus | Jun 3rd, 2017

8.0/10 | By Bryan Fogel
United States of America | Documentary