Movies like Female War: A Nasty Deal to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Romance movie Female War: A Nasty Deal with Kim Seon-yeong, Lee Se-chang, Myeong Gye-nam & Taemi & created by Kenneth Branagh, Patty Jenkins & Srđan Spasojević?
Movies like Female War: A Nasty Deal with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Female War: A Nasty Deal?
When her husband goes blind, a young woman makes a deal with a dying old man to have an affair with him in exchange for his corneas.
Its release date is Sunday September 27, 2015
Its release date is Sunday September 27, 2015
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Actors, Ancient Astronauts Fiction, Deicide Fiction, Directors Producers, Necrophilia Fiction, Obscenity Controversies, Patricide Fiction, Pedophilia, Pornography, Royalty & Wormholes Fiction |
Genre | Drama & Romance |
Director | Kenneth Branagh, Patty Jenkins & Srđan Spasojević |
Starring | Kim Seon-yeong, Lee Se-chang, Myeong Gye-nam & Taemi |
Place | Belgium, London, New Mexico, Ottoman Empire & Serbia |
Time | 10th Century, 1918 & 2016 |
Location | London, Los Angeles & New Mexico |
Cinematography | Haris Zambarloukos, Matthew Jensen & Nemanja Jovanov |
Music | Patrick Doyle, Rupert Gregson Williams & Sky Wikluh |
Runtime | 110 min |