Movies like Finding Dory to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Animation & Comedy movie Finding Dory with Albert Brooks, Ed O'Neill, Ellen DeGeneres & Hayden Rolence & created by Andrew Stanton & Angus MacLane(co-director)?

Movies like Finding Dory with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Finding Dory?

The friendly but forgetful blue tang fish, Dory, begins a search for her long-lost parents, and everyone learns a few things about the real meaning of family along the way.

TAGLINE: "An unforgettable journey she probably won't remember."

Its release date is Thursday June 16, 2016

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Amnesia, Animated Fish, Animated Reptiles Amphibians, Animation, Anthropomorphism, Cephalopods, Disability, Fish, Sequel, Sharks & Shark Attacks, Talking Animal, Underwater & Whales
Genre Adventure, Animation & Comedy
Country The United States
Director Andrew Stanton & Angus MacLane(co-director)
Starring Albert Brooks, Ed O'Neill, Ellen DeGeneres & Hayden Rolence
Place California
Written by Andrew Stanton (original story by), Andrew Stanton (screenplay by), Angus MacLane (additional story material by), Bob Peterson (additional screenplay material by) & Victoria Strouse (screenplay by)
Cinematography *Jeremy Lasky *
Music Thomas Newman
Runtime 97 min

Other Adventure movies by Andrew Stanton

John Carter | Mar 7th, 2012

John Carter
6.6/10 | By Andrew Stanton
The United States | Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
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John Carter | Mar 7th, 2012

John Carter
6.6/10 | By Andrew Stanton
The United States | Action, Adventure, Sci-fi & Science Fiction
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Other Adventure movies written by Andrew Stanton (original story by)

Toy Story 4 | Jun 20th, 2019

Toy Story 4
N/A/10 | By Josh Cooley
United States of America | Adventure, Animation & Comedy
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango

A Bugs Life | Nov 25th, 1998

A Bugs Life
7.2/10 | By Andrew Stanton(co-director), John Lasseter & John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton(co-director)
The United States | Adventure, Animation & Comedy
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation