Movies like Ghoul School to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Ghoul School with Nancy Sirianni, Paul Venier, Scott Gordon & William Friedman & created by Timothy O'Rawe?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ghoul School?

Sex, babes and rock 'n roll! Two thugs in search of hidden treasure mistakenly unleash a chemical into the school's water supply, causing everyone it comes into contact with to become flesh-eating ghouls.

TAGLINE: "Where the uneducated meet the undead."

Its release date is Monday January 1, 1990

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Blood Fiction, Cannibalism Fiction & Tokyo Fiction
Genre Horror
Director Timothy O'Rawe
Starring Nancy Sirianni, Paul Venier, Scott Gordon & William Friedman
Written by Timothy O'Rawe
Music Yutaka Yamada
Runtime 90 min

Other Horror movies by Timothy O'Rawe

The Basement | Jan 3rd, 1989

The Basement
5.2/10 | By S.F. Brownrigg & Timothy O'Rawe
The United States | Horror
No streaming sources available just yet

Other Horror movies written by Timothy O'Rawe

The Basement | Jan 3rd, 1989

The Basement
5.2/10 | By S.F. Brownrigg & Timothy O'Rawe
The United States | Horror
No streaming sources available just yet