Movies like Hagbard and Signe to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & History movie Hagbard and Signe with Birgitte Federspiel, Eva Dahlbeck, Gitte Hænning & Oleg Vidov & created by Gabriel Axel?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Hagbard and Signe?

The story, based on an ancient legend, concerns Hagbard (Oleg Vidov), the son of a slain Norse king. Seeking revenge against the rival clan responsible for the killing, Hagbard calms down ...
Its release date is Monday January 16, 1967

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Icelandic, King & Saga
Genre Drama & History
Country Denmark & Sweden
Director Gabriel Axel
Starring Birgitte Federspiel, Eva Dahlbeck, Gitte Hænning & Oleg Vidov
Place Viking Age
Written by 7th Book"), Frank Jæger (dialogue), Gabriel Axel & Saxo Grammaticus (story "annals Gesta Danorum
Cinematography Henning Bendtsen
Music Per Nørgård
Runtime 92 min

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