Movies like House of Hummingbird to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie House of Hummingbird with Jung In-gi, Kim Sae-byuk, Lee Seung-yeon & Park Ji-hu & created by Bora Kim?

Movies like House of Hummingbird with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of House of Hummingbird?

Seoul 1994, in the year the Seongsu Bridge collapsed, 14-year-old Eunhee wanders the city searching for love.

TAGLINE: "Among all the people you know, how many really understand what's going on inside you?"

Its release date is Thursday August 29, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 1990s, Middle School, Personal Growth, Relationship, Seoul & South Korea
Genre Drama
Country South Korea
Director Bora Kim
Starring Jung In-gi, Kim Sae-byuk, Lee Seung-yeon & Park Ji-hu
Written by Bora Kim
Runtime 138 min