Movies like I am Legend to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-fi & Thriller movie I am Legend with Alice Braga, Charlie Tahan, Salli Richardson-Whitfield & Will Smith & created by Francis Lawrence?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of I am Legend?

Years after a plague kills most of humanity and transforms the rest into monsters, the sole survivor in New York City struggles valiantly to find a cure.

TAGLINE: "The last man on Earth is not alone"

Its release date is Friday December 14, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alone, Dystopia, Helplessness, Lost Civilisation, Mannequins, Matter Of Life And Death, Performance Capture, Post-apocalyptic, Saving The World, Viral Outbreaks, Virus & Zombies
Genre Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-fi & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Francis Lawrence
Starring Alice Braga, Charlie Tahan, Salli Richardson-Whitfield & Will Smith
Place Future & New York City
Time 2009
Location Multiple Formats & New York City
Written by Akiva Goldsman (screenplay), John William Corrington, Joyce Hooper Corrington, Mark Protosevich (screenplay) & Richard Matheson (novel)
Cinematography Andrew Lesnie
Music James Newton Howard
Runtime 101 min

Other Action movies by Francis Lawrence

Other Action movies written by Akiva Goldsman (screenplay)

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