Movies like In the Line of Fire to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Thriller movie In the Line of Fire with Clint Eastwood, Dylan McDermott, John Malkovich & Rene Russo & created by Wolfgang Petersen?

Movies like In the Line of Fire with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of In the Line of Fire?

Secret Service agent Frank Horrigan couldn't save Kennedy, but he's determined not to let a clever assassin take out this president.

TAGLINE: "An assassin on the loose. A president in danger. Only one man stands between them..."

Its release date is Thursday July 8, 1993

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Assassin, Assassinations, Bodyguard, Central Intelligence Agency Fiction, Election, Elections, Running, Stalking, The CIA, Usa President & White House
Genre Action, Drama & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Wolfgang Petersen
Starring Clint Eastwood, Dylan McDermott, John Malkovich & Rene Russo
Place D.C. & Washington
Location D.C. & Washington
Written by Jeff Maguire
Cinematography John Bailey (cinematographer)
Music Ennio Morricone
Runtime 128 min

Other Action movies by Wolfgang Petersen

Poseidon | May 12th, 2006

5.6/10 | By Wolfgang Petersen
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Air Force One | Jul 25th, 1997

Air Force One
6.5/10 | By Wolfgang Petersen
Germany & The United States | Action, Drama & Thriller
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Outbreak | Mar 10th, 1995

6.6/10 | By Wolfgang Petersen
The United States | Action, Drama & Science Fiction
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Other Action movies written by Jeff Maguire

Gridiron Gang | Sep 15th, 2006

Gridiron Gang
6.9/10 | By Phil Joanou
The United States | Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama & Feelgood
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