Movies like Inferno to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Inferno with Daria Nicolodi, Eleonora Giorgi, Irene Miracle & Leigh McCloskey & created by Dario Argento?

Movies like Inferno with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Inferno?

An American college student in Rome and his sister in New York investigate a series of killings in both locations where their resident addresses are the domain of two covens of witches.

TAGLINE: "Before tenebrae, beyond suspiria there is... Inferno"

Its release date is Thursday February 7, 1980

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Video Nasty, Witch & Witchcraft
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country Italy
Director Dario Argento
Starring Daria Nicolodi, Eleonora Giorgi, Irene Miracle & Leigh McCloskey
Place Manhattan & Rome
Location New York City & Rome
Written by Dario Argento (story and screenplay)
Runtime 106 min

Other Horror movies by Dario Argento

Deep Red | Mar 7th, 1975

Deep Red
7.6/10 | By Dario Argento
Italy | Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video YouTube iTunes Fandor

Tenebre | Oct 28th, 1982

7.1/10 | By Dario Argento
Italy | Horror, Mystery & Thriller