Movies like Inglorious Basterds to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller & War movie Inglorious Basterds with Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth & Mélanie Laurent & created by Eli Roth & Quentin Tarantino?

Movies like Inglorious Basterds with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Inglorious Basterds?

In Nazi-occupied France during World War II, a plan to assassinate Nazi leaders by a group of Jewish U.S. soldiers coincides with a theatre owner's vengeful plans for the same.

TAGLINE: "Once upon a time in Nazi occupied France..."

Its release date is Tuesday August 18, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Assassinations, Cinema, Dynamite, Guerrilla, Hitler & Nazis, Jew Persecution, Mexican Standoff, Nazis, Nazis Fiction, Paris, Revenge, Self-sacrifice, Soldiers & World War Ii
Genre Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller & War
Country Germany & The United States
Director Eli Roth & Quentin Tarantino
Starring Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth & Mélanie Laurent
Place London
Time 1941 & 1944
Written by Quentin Tarantino
Cinematography Robert Richardson (cinematographer)
Runtime 153 min

Other Action movies by Eli Roth

The Green Inferno | Sep 4th, 2014

The Green Inferno
5.3/10 | By Eli Roth
Canada & Chile | Action, Adventure & Horror
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Death Wish | Mar 2nd, 2018

Death Wish
6.5/10 | By Eli Roth
The United States | Action, Crime & Drama
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Knock Out | Oct 15th, 2010

Knock Out
6.0/10 | By Eli Roth & Mani Shankar
India | Action & Thriller
Google Play YouTube iTunes

Other Action movies written by Quentin Tarantino

Kill Bill: Vol. 2 | Apr 16th, 2004

Kill Bill: Vol. 2
8.0/10 | By Quentin Tarantino
The United States | Action, Crime & Thriller
Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime Starz

Death Proof | May 21st, 2007

Death Proof
7.0/10 | By Quentin Tarantino
United States of America | Action & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Showtime

Grindhouse | Apr 6th, 2007

7.6/10 | By Edgar Wright, Eli Roth, Quentin Tarantino, Rob Zombie & Robert Rodriguez
The United States | Action, Horror & Thriller