Movies like Insidious to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Paranormal & Occult & Thriller movie Insidious with Barbara Hershey, Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne & Ty Simpkins & created by James Wan?

Movies like Insidious with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Insidious?

A family looks to prevent evil spirits from trapping their comatose child in a realm called The Further.

TAGLINE: "It's not the house that's haunted."

Its release date is Monday September 13, 2010

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Aftercreditsstinger, Demons, Evil Spirit, Exorcism, House Warming, Medium & Spirit Possession Fiction
Genre Horror, Paranormal & Occult & Thriller
Country Canada & The United States
Director James Wan
Starring Barbara Hershey, Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne & Ty Simpkins
Location California
Written by Leigh Whannell
Cinematography John R. Leonetti
Music Joseph Bishara
Runtime 103 min

Other Horror movies by James Wan

Saw | Jan 1st, 2003

7.6/10 | By James Wan
Australia | Crime, Horror & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz

The Conjuring 2 | May 13th, 2016

The Conjuring 2
7.4/10 | By James Wan
United States of America | Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Netflix Amazon Video HBO GO Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Saw | Oct 1st, 2004

7.6/10 | By James Wan
The United States | Crime, Horror, Mystery, Suspense & Thriller
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime Starz

Other Horror movies written by Leigh Whannell

Insidious: Chapter 3 | Jun 4th, 2015

Insidious: Chapter 3
6.1/10 | By Leigh Whannell
Canada & The United States | Drama, Horror & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation

Cooties | Oct 10th, 2014

5.7/10 | By * Jonathan Milott * Cary Murnion, Cary Murnion & Jonathan Milott
The United States | Action, Comedy & Horror
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Starz