Movies like Intrigue to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Thriller & TV Movie movie Intrigue with Martin Shaw, Robert Loggia, Scott Glenn & William Atherton & created by David Drury?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Intrigue?
A spy is looking for his old colleague who now works for the other side.
Its release date is Sunday September 11, 1988
A spy is looking for his old colleague who now works for the other side.
TAGLINE: "A master spy with a deadly secret... becomes everyone's target."
Its release date is Sunday September 11, 1988
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Thriller & TV Movie |
Country | The United States |
Director | David Drury |
Starring | Martin Shaw, Robert Loggia, Scott Glenn & William Atherton |
Written by | Jeff Melvoin, Robert L. Collins (screenplay) & Robert L. Collins (story) |
Cinematography | James Van Trees |
Runtime | 93 min |