Movies like Iron Man 2 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Science Fiction movie Iron Man 2 with Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr. & Scarlett Johansson & created by Jon Favreau?

Movies like Iron Man 2 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Iron Man 2?

With the world now aware of his identity as Iron Man, Tony Stark must contend with both his declining health and a vengeful mad man with ties to his father's legacy.

TAGLINE: "It's not the armor that makes the hero, but the man inside."

Its release date is Wednesday April 28, 2010

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Comic, Iron Man, Malibu, Performance Capture, Revenge, Superhero, Technology, Tony Stark & Usa
Genre Action, Adventure & Science Fiction
Country The United States
Director Jon Favreau
Starring Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr. & Scarlett Johansson
Place D.C., Los Angeles, Monaco, New Mexico, New York City & Washington
Location Monaco
Written by Don Heck (Marvel comic book), Jack Kirby (Marvel comic book), Justin Theroux (screenplay), Larry Lieber (Marvel comic book) & Stan Lee (Marvel comic book)
Cinematography Matthew Libatique
Music John Debney
Runtime 124 min

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