Movies like Ju-on: White Ghost to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Ju-on: White Ghost with Hiroki Suzuki, Ichirôta Miyakawa, Mihiro & Natsuki Kasa & created by Ryûta Miyake?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ju-on: White Ghost?

Akane begins seeing visions of a female ghost wearing the same yellow hat and red satchel she wore as a school child.
Its release date is Saturday June 27, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Curse, Curses Fiction, Ju-on & Vengeful Ghost
Genre Horror
Country Japan
Director Ryûta Miyake
Starring Hiroki Suzuki, Ichirôta Miyakawa, Mihiro & Natsuki Kasa
Place Japan
Written by Ryûta Miyake (screenplay) & Takashi Shimizu (story)
Runtime 61 min