Movies like Kesari to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & History movie Kesari with Akshay Kumar, Edward Sonnenblick, Parineeti Chopra & Vikram Kochhar & created by Anurag Singh?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Kesari?

Based on an incredible true story of the Battle of Saragarhi in which an army of 21 Sikhs fought against 10,000 Afghans in 1897.

TAGLINE: "The bravest battle ever fought."

Its release date is Thursday March 21, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 19th Century, Based On A True Story, Historical Drama, King, Kingdom, Patriotism, Periodic, Sikh & Sikhism
Genre Action, Drama & History
Country India
Director Anurag Singh
Starring Akshay Kumar, Edward Sonnenblick, Parineeti Chopra & Vikram Kochhar
Place Afghanistan & British Raj
Time 1897
Written by Anurag Singh & Girish Kohli
Runtime 150 min