Movies like Ketamine to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie Ketamine with Jonas Smulders & Sanne den Hartogh?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ketamine?

When their mother has passed, 21-year-old Vincent and his brother Sjoerd who is five years older go and stay in a caravan at the edge of her native Flemish village. They seek comfort with each other. It is soon clear that their grief does not concern her demise, but her failing motherhood. With a nihilist lifestyle, they fight the pain and pass their days with drugs and destructive behaviour. Although Vincent wants to return to the Netherlands and let go off the past, the fraternal bond is too strong to be broken.
Its release date is Sunday September 28, 2014

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Genre Drama
Starring Jonas Smulders & Sanne den Hartogh