Movies like La panelista to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Thriller movie La panelista with Favio Posca, Florencia Peña, Martín Campilongo & Soledad Silveyra?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of La panelista?

Marcela Robledo, panelist for a well-known gossip program, discovers news that can change her life and the history of television, unmasking the double life of the beloved and respected gallant Osvaldo Lebló. You're about to lose your spot on the show show panel, and this is your chance to avoid it. But her partner Ricardo Toledo wants to leave her out of the scoop. From that moment on, Marcela's life will turn around, she will become the panelist of the moment but will have to face fierce competition from the program's host, the television star Jorge “Chiqui” Marconi, the jealousy of her colleagues panel, the threats from the Channel's Security Chief and the demands of the Programming Manager Claudia. How far will Marcela go in order not to lose the fame and success achieved?
Its release date is Thursday March 4, 2021

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Comedy & Thriller
Country Argentina
Starring Favio Posca, Florencia Peña, Martín Campilongo & Soledad Silveyra