Movies like L’inconnu du Lac to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, LGBT/Gay & Thriller movie L’inconnu du Lac with Christophe Paou, Jérôme Chappatte, Patrick d'Assumçao & Pierre Deladonchamps & created by Alain Guiraudie?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of L’inconnu du Lac?

Summertime. A cruising spot for men, tucked away on the shores of a lake. Franck falls in love with Michel, an attractive, potent and lethally dangerous man. Franck knows this but wants to live out his passion anyway.
Its release date is Friday May 17, 2013

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Topic Cruising, Homosexuality, Lake, Love, Psychopaths, Sex, Skinny Dipping, Summer & Suspense
Genre Drama, LGBT/Gay & Thriller
Country France
Director Alain Guiraudie
Starring Christophe Paou, Jérôme Chappatte, Patrick d'Assumçao & Pierre Deladonchamps
Location France
Written by Alain Guiraudie
Cinematography Claire Mathon
Runtime 100 min