Movies like Looper to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Looper with Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Paul Dano & created by Rian Johnson?

Movies like Looper with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Looper?

In 2074, when the mob wants to get rid of someone, the target is sent into the past, where a hired gun awaits - someone like Joe - who one day learns the mob wants to 'close the loop' by sending back Joe's future self for assassination.

TAGLINE: "Hunted By Your Future, Haunted By Your Past"

Its release date is Wednesday September 26, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Assassin, Assassins & Hitmen, Boy, Crime, Drug Addiction, Dystopia, Future, Retirement, Suicide, Telekinesis, The Future, Time & Time Travel & Time Travel
Genre Action, Drama, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country China & The United States
Director Rian Johnson
Starring Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Paul Dano
Place Kansas, Kansas City, Missouri & Shanghai
Time 2044 & 2070s
Location Shanghai
Written by Rian Johnson
Cinematography Steve Yedlin
Music Nathan Johnson (musician)
Runtime 113 min

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