Movies like Los Viajes Del Viento to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Music movie Los Viajes Del Viento with Agustin Nieves, Jose Luis Torres, Marciano Martínez & Yull Núñez & created by Ciro Guerra?

Movies like Los Viajes Del Viento with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Los Viajes Del Viento?

A musician travels a great distance to return an instrument to his elderly teacher.

TAGLINE: "A musician travels a great distance to return an instrument to his elderly teacher"

Its release date is Thursday April 30, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Colombia, Cursed Accordion, Music & Traveling
Genre Drama & Music
Country Argentina & Colombia
Director Ciro Guerra
Starring Agustin Nieves, Jose Luis Torres, Marciano Martínez & Yull Núñez
Place Colombia
Location Colombia
Written by Ciro Guerra
Cinematography Paulo Andrés Pérez
Music Iván Ocampo
Runtime 117 min

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