Movies like Martha to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie Martha with Barbara Valentin, Karlheinz Böhm, Margit Carstensen & Peter Chatel & created by Phillip Noyce & Rainer Werner Fassbinder?

Movies like Martha with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Martha?

After the death of her abusive father, the lonely librarian Martha marries an equally vile businessman - Helmut. The cruel and torturous nature of their relationship lead Martha to believe Helmut might be trying to kill her.
Its release date is Monday May 27, 1974

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Marriage, Neglect Of One's Spouse, Sadomasochism, Sexism, Spanish Steps, Wheelchair User & Wife Husband Relationship
Genre Drama & Thriller
Country Germany
Director Phillip Noyce & Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Starring Barbara Valentin, Karlheinz Böhm, Margit Carstensen & Peter Chatel
Written by Cornell Woolrich (story "For the Rest of Her Life")
Cinematography Michael Ballhaus & Roberto De Angelis
Runtime 116 min

Other Drama movies by Phillip Noyce

Patriot Games | Jun 4th, 1992

Patriot Games
6.9/10 | By Phillip Noyce
The United States | Action, Drama & Thriller
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The Bone Collector | Nov 4th, 1999

The Bone Collector
6.7/10 | By Phillip Noyce
The United States | Drama, Mystery & Thriller
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