Movies like Mom’s Friend 2 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie Mom’s Friend 2 with Lee Cheon, Park Joo-bin & Yeong Ah?

Movies like Mom’s Friend 2 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Mom’s Friend 2?

An art student named Gwang-ho gets dumped by his girlfriend because she was only his source of comfort, and that he's a Mama's boy and a premature ejaculator. He tries to avoid seeing her by going to a different academy and that's when his mother introduces him to her friend Soo-yeon, a sophisticated and intelligent looking woman. Gwang-ho falls for her. Gwang-ho's mother suddenly leaves for Australia because his father is sick and Gwang-ho gets to stay in Soo-yeon's house for a few days. Looking at her, he thinks of all the things he would like to do with her and Soo-yeon's niece Ha-kyeong stimulates him to do something about his feelings.
Its release date is Thursday September 1, 2016

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Country South Korea
Starring Lee Cheon, Park Joo-bin & Yeong Ah
Cinematography Daniel Pearl (cinematographer)
Music Mr. Bill (musician)