Movies like Passage to Marseille to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Adventure, Drama & History movie Passage to Marseille with Claude Rains, Humphrey Bogart, Michele Morgan & Philip Dorn & created by Michael Curtiz?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Passage to Marseille?

Five patriotic convicts are helped to escape imprisonment in Devil's Island so they can fight for occupied Free French forces against the Nazis.
Its release date is Wednesday February 16, 1944

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Devil's Island, England, Escape & Journalists
Genre Adventure, Drama & History
Country The United States
Director Michael Curtiz
Starring Claude Rains, Humphrey Bogart, Michele Morgan & Philip Dorn
Place Marseille
Written by Casey Robinson (screenplay), Charles Nordhoff (novel), Jack Moffitt (screenplay) & James Norman Hall (novel)
Cinematography James Wong Howe
Music Max Steiner
Runtime 109 min