Movies like Pickup on South Street to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Thriller movie Pickup on South Street with Jean Peters, Murvyn Vye, Richard Widmark & Thelma Ritter & created by Samuel Fuller?

Movies like Pickup on South Street with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Pickup on South Street?

A pickpocket unwittingly lifts a message destined for enemy agents and becomes a target for a Communist spy ring.

TAGLINE: "How the law took a chance on a B-girl… and won!"

Its release date is Friday May 29, 1953

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Classic Noir, Cold War & Pickpocket
Genre Drama & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Samuel Fuller
Starring Jean Peters, Murvyn Vye, Richard Widmark & Thelma Ritter
Place New York City
Written by Dwight Taylor (story) & Samuel Fuller (screenplay)
Cinematography Joseph MacDonald
Music Leigh Harline
Runtime 80 min

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The Naked Kiss
7.3/10 | By Samuel Fuller
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The Big Red One | May 28th, 1980

The Big Red One
7.2/10 | By Samuel Fuller
The United States | Drama & War
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