Movies like Pitch Black to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Horror, Sci-fi, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Pitch Black with Cole Hauser, Lewis Fitz-Gerald, Radha Mitchell & Vin Diesel & created by David Twohy?

Movies like Pitch Black with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Pitch Black?

A commercial transport ship and its crew are marooned on a planet full of bloodthirsty creatures that only come out to feast at night. But then, they learn that a month-long eclipse is about to occur.

TAGLINE: "Don't be afraid of the dark. Be afraid of what's in the dark"

Its release date is Friday February 18, 2000

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alien Life-form, Aliens, Comet, Corps, Darkness, Darkness Fiction, Dystopia, Eclipse, Flask & Survival
Genre Action, Horror, Sci-fi, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country The United States
Director David Twohy
Starring Cole Hauser, Lewis Fitz-Gerald, Radha Mitchell & Vin Diesel
Time 27th Century
Location South Australia
Written by David Twohy (screenplay), Jim Wheat (screenplay), Jim Wheat (story), Ken Wheat (screenplay) & Ken Wheat (story)
Cinematography David Eggby
Music Graeme Revell
Runtime 109 min

Other Action movies by David Twohy

Riddick | Sep 2nd, 2013

6.4/10 | By David Twohy
The United States | Action, Sci-fi, Science Fiction & Thriller
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The Arrival | May 31st, 1996

The Arrival
6.3/10 | By David Twohy
Mexico & The United States | Action, Mystery & Science Fiction
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Other Action movies written by David Twohy (screenplay)

G.I. Jane | Aug 22nd, 1997

G.I. Jane
5.9/10 | By Ridley Scott
The United States | Action & Drama
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime

Impostor | Dec 3rd, 2001

6.2/10 | By Gary Fleder
The United States | Action, Science Fiction & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Tubi TV Starz

The Fugitive | Aug 6th, 1993

The Fugitive
7.8/10 | By Andrew Davis
The United States | Action, Adventure, Drama & Thriller
Amazon Video HBO GO Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime