Movies like Pleasure Island to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Thriller movie Pleasure Island with Gina Bramhill, Ian Sharp, Nicholas Day & Rick Warden & created by Mike Doxford?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Pleasure Island?

Dean returns to his hometown to confront his demons, and confess a secret to a childhood friend, Jess. When he finds she is trapped in a criminal underworld, he attempts to help her, only to find he has put her in grave danger.

TAGLINE: "Out of the war onto the battlefield"

Its release date is Friday August 14, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Crime, Drama & Thriller
Country United Kingdom
Director Mike Doxford
Starring Gina Bramhill, Ian Sharp, Nicholas Day & Rick Warden
Written by Ian Sharp (story), Mike Doxford & Simon Richardson
Runtime 107 min