Movies like Premonition to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie Premonition with Courtney Taylor Burness, Julian McMahon, Nia Long & Sandra Bullock & created by Mennan Yapo?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Premonition?

Depressed housewife learns her husband was killed in a car accident the day previously, awakens the next morning to find him alive and well at home, and then awakens the next day after to a world in which he is still dead.

TAGLINE: "Reality is only a nightmare away"

Its release date is Thursday February 8, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Car Crash, Deja Vu, Dying And Death, Loss Of Loved One & Time Travel
Genre Drama, Mystery & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Mennan Yapo
Starring Courtney Taylor Burness, Julian McMahon, Nia Long & Sandra Bullock
Location Louisiana
Written by Bill Kelly
Cinematography Torsten Lippstock
Music Klaus Badelt
Runtime 96 min