Movies like Private Parts to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama movie Private Parts with Howard Stern, Kelly Bishop, Mary McCormack & Paul Giamatti & created by Betty Thomas?

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The autobiographical story of Howard Stern, the radio rebel who is now also a TV personality, an author and a movie star.

TAGLINE: "Never before has a man done so much with so little."

Its release date is Friday March 7, 1997

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Becoming An Adult, Childhood Memory, Erection, Eroticism, Jew, Private Life, Radio & Sexuality
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country The United States
Director Betty Thomas
Starring Howard Stern, Kelly Bishop, Mary McCormack & Paul Giamatti
Place Boston, Connecticut, Detroit & New York City
Time 1960s & 1980
Location New Jersey
Written by Howard Stern (book), Len Blum (screenplay) & Michael Kalesniko (screenplay)
Cinematography Walt Lloyd
Music *
Runtime 109 min

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